

Your review has a prize

From Nexus Valladolid Suites & Hotel, we would like to thank you for choosing us and we hope you will recommend us to other travelers. Therefore, remember to leave us your review on Tripadvisor, Google Reviews or Booking, and you can participate in the monthly draw for a wine box from Bodegas Nexus & Frontaura. It will be a pleasure to read that the impression caused about our hotel and services.

Monthly winners box wines

October: D. Jordi García March (Madrid).
November: Dña. Nerea Barbadillo Pérez (Cantabria).
December: Dña. Gema Salas Gomez (Alcalá de Henares)
January: D. Ubaldo Espada Puebla ( Cuenca)
February: D. Fernando Pascual Molina ( Murcia)
March: D. Bernardo Louro Rodríguez (Cartagena)
April: D. Alberto García Álvarez (León)
May: D. Gregorio Ros Aragón ( A Coruña)
June: Dña. Verónica Esteban Rodríguez (Madrid)
July: Dña. Sonia Román de Diego (Guadalajara)
August: Dña. Cristina Madarnas Peña ( Vigo)
September: D. Cándido Rivero García ( Mataró)

Good luck and we look forward to welcoming you back.


Oscar winner Fernando Trueba succumbs to the charms of Nexus & Frontaura wines in an intense film gathering "his weight of him in wine", held at the Hotel Nexus in Valladolid.

A warm chat and 83 liters of wine were the result of the fourth edition of Su Peso en Vino, where attendees were able to delight in anecdotes of his career with great mythical figures of Spanish cinema, such as Fernando Fernán-Gómez, or Rafael Azcona.

Precisely, with the latter he had the pleasure of creating the second Spanish production awarded with the Oscar for the best non-English language film and 9 "Goya" Awards from the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Spain, being one of the films most awarded Spanish films: La Belle Époque. An unforgettable evening in which the director shared our wines, and his point of view of the situation of Spanish cinema, "Spanish cinema is worse than ever, desolate, in keeping with the country."

A gathering that was accompanied by the Frontaura Verdejo 2011, Nexus Crianza 2008 and Frontaura Crianza 2006 wines that were tasted with appreciation by the more than 15 guests who accompanied the filmmaker. A splendid tasting that was attended by Camino Pardo, director of Bodegas Nexus and Bodegas Frontaura, who was delighted to be able to explain to the guests the process of making the wines tasted.

The final touch of the night was put by Fernando Trueba, when he took away his 83 kilos in bottles of Nexus & Frontaura and who was presented with the diploma that accredits him as an ambassador of Nexus Bodegas.


The Hotel Nexus Valladolid held a Ribera del Duero, Toro and Rueda wine tasting with chocolates created especially for these wines.

On May 9, we organized a very special pairing of wines from Ribera del Duero, Toro and Rueda, with chocolates, products from our land, at the Wine Bar of the Hotel Nexus. Those who enjoyed this experience highlighted the exquisiteness, refinement and good taste of the combination of flavors, in which the broths and the different cocoas paired perfectly in an unforgettable evening.

Nexus & Frontaura Bodegas and La casa del Gusto- selected assorted white and dark artisan chocolates from Chocome and Verdejo and red wines from Toro and Ribera del Duero, all of them from their respective denominations of origin established in the province.

Those attending the Nexus tasting filled out a questionnaire in which they wrote down their sensations regarding the intensity and cleanliness of the wine on the nose, the colour, the aromas or the power, while they were able to distinguish from the flavors of pepper to the chocolates. hints of lime, cocoa, nutmeg or blackberries and cherries. A whole explosion of flavors and sensations in an exceptional tasting.


Nexus Valladolid Suites & Hotel in support of the plastic arts incorporates a painting by the painter José María Sicilia in the Hotel's Wine Bar and another in the reception lobby by the painter Juan Usle. In the same line of quality, luxury and details, Nexus Valladolid Suites & Hotel dresses its walls with an important collection of drawings and watercolors on paper by the famous Valladolid painter José Manuel Capuletti (1925-1975).